So decided teach mummy how to use her tablet today.
Needless to say frustrating isn’t even the word. She is like child with a new toy. She is spelling everything phonetically and is giggling like a school girl. I love…
where i put my ramblings
Needless to say frustrating isn’t even the word. She is like child with a new toy. She is spelling everything phonetically and is giggling like a school girl. I love…
So I decided that I need to use my blog more often. It helps that I can blog on my pc, my iphone and on my touchpad lol. Iv finally…
Maybe if I posted a blog once a day on my breaks, I could get into the habit of doing it more often. I mean iv already got the app…
I finally started doing something with my website. Up to now I only have a blog and a game on it. Its not a new game by any means but…
Im sitting here waiting for an email lol. The kittens are playing on the floor. And my sisters are watching Eastenders…Im so bored lol What did I do today on…
I mean I own the domain. And I wanna put some games on it. So give it a few weeks I will have 5s and 10s of visitors lol. I…
Finally get a website back and been wondering what its going to be all about. Up to now it looks like the site main page will just direct people to…
I finally got a website up and running. Not much here right now, but Im working on it =) Andrew =)
I always do this. I say I’m going to blog a lot, then I blog for a few days then I just stop lol. So how are you all doing?…
One of the graphics cards in my laptop died. Means I only have one right now lol. Its not so bad, gives me an excuse to buy a new laptop…