3.08.09 I Dont Know What Just Happened

I was sitting down less than an hour ago, watching Fringe. I dont know what happened. I was just sitting there, and became all weird. I suddenly got very very down, and I dont know why, then my thoughts were all about home, and the times I spent with my friends. I have no idea where it came from.

In fact im still laughing away at Scrubs, but my mind is constantly drawn to all my friends. I think its finally set in now, this is my new home. I miss everyone so much, but I havnt thought about people properly, and now I cant stop thinking about everyone. I miss my work with all my friends, I miss my nights out with all my friends, I miss everything.

I think the realisation has set in. This is my new home, Im going to live here for a few years at a minimum. I dont know where this came from. But I hope it goes away soon, not to forget about everyone, but because I dont want to feel down constantly. I knew it would happen eventually, just didnt think it would happen so quick.

Miss you all, more than usual xxx

By andrew