I finally started doing something with my website. Up to now I only have a blog and a game on it. Its not a new game by any means but I enjoyed playing it alot a few years back so I put it on there and I must say it brought back some awesome memories.

Also Iv statyed an ambitious project to rewrite the game and make another version of it. Ive started it already but im not telling anyone where it is yet, because I want to actually prove to myself that I can do it.

Its not going to a quick change either, its actually going to take me a few months. Theres just so much code to go through. But I started it, and I really want to finish it. Im quite excitd to see the end result. I can picture it in my head but, fingers are still crossed.

Back to work for now. Why do I always get the urge to blog when im in work on a break, when I have lots to write but not enough time!!!  Like actually. I always want to blog when I never have time. Now Im gonna be a few seconds late back of my break haha

Andrew =)

By andrew