I always do this. I say I’m going to blog a lot, then I blog for a few days then I just stop lol. So how are you all doing? I’m sitting in my now almost fully furnished office. Just need a new computer chair and some bean bags. Also thinking about a unit for my back wall and maybe a couch. Not for a while yet obviously, but its all in the planning stages. Already thinking of the best places to put stuff haha.

New Year was boring. Usually I’m with my family or having fun, or being drunk or having fun being drunk with my family. This year was the first one i have spent working. Wasn’t much fun at all. I was only scheduled till 1am, in fact I even finished work early, finished about half 12, but that was it, the New Year was ruined. When I start getting drinking buddies again, I’m going to rectify that little problem and get exceedingly drunk.

Planning to visit the UK in August too. I need to save about $7000, which is $2500 for flights and about $4500 for spends which comes to £2000, which should be more than enough to last me for a few weeks lol. Quite looking forward to the challenge of saving it lol. Shouldn’t be too hard, I should earn about $15000 by then, which still gives me a few hundred dollars to play with a payday.

Anyway enough babbling lol. Im going to sit here, maybe play a game and listen to some Lady Gaga, I <3 her.

Miss you all

By andrew